HomeAbout UsIntended ParentsSurrogates

For more information or to request an application for candidacy, please contact us today. 

Thank you for choosing Miracles in the Making to be a part of this new, hopeful and exciting chapter of your life.  We know this was not your first choice in growing your family, but it is just another path you are on.  
We are honored to be on this path with you!  

Have you struggled with infertility and wondered about using a surrogate? 
Do you already know this is the right path for you, but don't know where to begin? 
We are here to inform, support and guide you every step of the way.

When one door shuts, a window opens. Even after you are handed your Miracle, we will be there.  
Other agencies may offer similar services, but ours come with a personal touch that is priceless.