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Surrogate Compensation 

  • First-time Surrogate: $45,000 Base Fee
​          -This is a woman who has had a successful pregnancy and delivery of her own biological child and is new to the IVF process
          -You will receive $1,000 on or before the day of transfer. This will go towards the total compensation if the pregnancy is             successful; if the transfer fails, it is yours to keep.

  • Proven Surrogate: $50,000+ Base Fee
          -This is a woman who has successfully carried a surrogate pregnancy to full-term, delivered, and terminated her rights to the child.             She is experienced and knowledgeable with the entire IVF process
          -You will receive $1,000 on or before the day of transfer. This will go towards the total compensation if the pregnancy is             successful; if the transfer fails, it is yours to keep.

  • Multiples Fee: $5,000 per additional baby

  • Surrogate Monthly Allowance: $200 per month 
          -This is in addition to the base fee and begins when the surrogate starts her medications and goes through six weeks post partum
          -It is to be used for daily expenses, such as gas, vitamins, child care, etc.  
          -This fee continues monthly, regardless of you being actively on medication or pregnant
          -You will receive this allowance during a holding period as to retain your future services

  • Term $250,000 Life Insurance Policy 
          -Term-Life policy: up to a $500 yearly premium 

  • Maternity Clothing Allowance: $500
          - Given at the 12th week of pregnancy 
          - This is to use at your leisure for pregnancy related items and maternity clothes 

  • A “Spa Day” 
           -To be given at the completion of your pregnancy 
          - This is a wonderful way for you to relax and be pampered...you deserve to be!  
          - This serene environment will allow you to reflect on the amazing gift you have just given, and it is   
             the Agency's way of saying "Thank You" for a job well done

The following items are based on individual circumstances and/or medical needs:

  • Amniocentesis Compensation: $500 

  • Dilation & Curettage (D&C) Compensation: $500 

  • Cesarean Section (C-Section) Compensation: $2,500

  • Loss of Reproductive Organ: Partial Hysterectomy--$5,000 Full Hysterectomy--$7,000 

  • Doctor Ordered Home Bed Rest: $250/week 

  • Doctor Ordered Hospital Bed Rest: $500/week 

  • Loss of Wages: Individual bases through AFLAC

  • Travel Expenses: TBD 
          -For the surrogate and one travel companion
          -These expenses may be utilized by the surrogate if she travels more than 100 miles away from her home for 
           clinic and/or OB appointments, the transfer or delivery
          -Airplane, train, bus or taxi tickets/person
          -Food allowance/ person
          -Lodging expenses/person

           - All items, unless noted, are non-negotiable and funds will be held and dispersed from an escrow account.